Support Portal - Do you have a large .pst file or .ost file?

Do you have a large .pst file or .ost file?

If you have a large .pst or .ost file, you may experience application pauses while you perform typical operations in Outlook.  These typical operations include reading email messages, moving email messages, and deleting email messages.

When you use Outlook, the following .ost size guidelines generally apply to desktops or laptops not using Wi-Fi:

01Up to 2 gigabytes (GB): This file size should provide a good user experience.

02Up to 5 gigabytes (GB): This file should provide a good user experience on most hardware.

03Between 5 and 10 GB: This file is typically hardware dependent.  Therefore, if you have a fast hard disk and lots of RAM, your experience will be better.  However, slower hard disk drives, such as drives that are typically found on portable computers or early-generation solid-state drives (SSD), experience some application pauses when he drives respond.

04More than 10 GB: When the .ost file reaches this size, short pauses begin to occur on most hardware.

05Very large (25 GB or larger): An .ost file of this size increases the frequency of short pauses, especially while you are downloading new email messages